We Are Very Proud To Offer To You Our Unique Lamb Rugs, Blankets, Covers From The Very Small Minuature Lambs Right Up To The Largest Of Newborn Lambs.
Why Invest In ICU Small Animal Rugs: We have been in business for over 7 years and our business is growing from strength to strength with the return of satisfied clients purchasing more rugs. We know if proper care is taken maintaing your Rugs, you will get many seasons of wear and less mortalities with your newborns.
Our Rugs are designed by farmers and is Owned and Made in Australia.
- Hypothermia
- Pnemonia
- Premature Births
- Difficult Birth
- Injury
- Miss Mothering
- Scours
- Multiple Births
Outer Shell is a tough Taffeta 3 layer lamented fabric that is windproof, waterproof and breathableWaterproof Technology 5,000mm proof and 5,000gsm breathable. 5,000mm means that water fall of 5 metres in one fall before the fabric would leak. 5000gsm means the the fabric can pass up to a square metre of moisture in a 24 hour block.
The liner is double sided thermal that wicks moisture away from the Lambs skin. It is odour and bacterial treated. This is the only rug that you can place on a newborn that has just been born still wet with amniotic fluid with the two fabrics working together this enables these two fabric to wick the mositure from the newborn without the worry of bactrical or ordours.
- The front of the rug has a soft infill 4 way strech this allows you to pop the lambs head in the rug and the lambs are able to get up without any restrictions to their front legs.
- We have a "U" shape cut in around the tail area of the newborn. This is to allow easy access to the Birthmother to I.D her offspring.
A important part in the designing of our newborn rugs was to be able to keep the newborns with their birthmother, this does work if you have a set back when your ewe has lambed and for whatever reason if you can leave the lamb(s) with their birthmother with their rugs on as to not break the bond between them. Its worth the wait by not have to feed the lamb yourself.
You are able to purchase Heat Pads from our ICU Small Animal Shop. The price is $1.50 each. This is only for ICU Clients and there is a cap on them.
to order: www.icusmallanimalrugs.com.au
ICU Small Animal Rugs Lamb Rug With Pouch For Heat Pad
If you are not completely satisfied with any part of your order, please return the items to us in original condition with packaging within 45 days of purchase for an exchange or refund.
Please address parcel to:
ICU Small Animal Rugs
P.O.Box 397
Tynong 3813 Victoria Australia.
If you are an International Customer, Important: You must mark on the parcel "RETURNED AUSTRALIAN GOODS"If you return to us for exchange, you will need to pay the postage to send the items back to us, however we will pay for the postage to return the item/ items to you.Once we receive your return parcel we will process your exchange order within 3 - 5 business days.If a refund is required we aim to process your credit card or cheque refund within 10- 15 days of receipt of returned goods.
Marg Egan
ICU Small Animal Rugs.